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Home /  Courses And Programs / Positive Behavior Support for Students with ASD

Utilizing the components of culturally-inclusive positive behavior support, this course provides knowledge and practice of evidence-based strategies that enhance, facilitate, and promote successful social interactions and classroom behavior for students with ASD. Topics include positive peer interaction, language and communication, integrating social skills into the curriculum, as well as the challenges of bullying, isolation, and student anxiety and depression. Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) is also discussed. Focus on practical application of positive behavior preventions and interventions in the classroom, reflection of best practices, and collaboration with socio-behavioral teams and families.

This course is available for open enrollment. It is part of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing California Induction Clear Credential progam for individuals clearing an Education Specialist credential. 

Note: Course attendance is asynchronous, however assignments MUST be completed by specific deadlines throughout the course to earn a passing grade. Log into the course in Canvas on the start date and refer to the syllabus for detailed information regarding individual due dates.

Course Number: EDUC-31592
Credit: 4.50 unit(s)