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Acrylic Painting I
10 Weeks | $325 | In-class

Explore acrylic painting through exercises designed to help you gain confidence in your work. Learn the ins and outs of this amazing and multi-use medium when you enroll in Acrylic Painting I. Through attending this class, you will learn how to create a thumbnail drawing and plan your painting. Exercises in landscape, narrative, and portraiture encourage students to experiment with color and composition. Demonstrations of technique and class discussions will engage you in a dialog that focuses on the process and the potential of the painted image. You will learn color theory and how to mix and create the colors you wish to paint with. We will focus on mastering how to paint, which brushes to use, and when to walk away from your painting and let it rest. The course is intended for beginners although intermediates are welcome. The newfound confidence that you will take away from this class will give you a lifetime of understanding and appreciation of how to make and create meaningful art.

What You Will Learn:

  • How to plan, design, and create acrylic abstract, landscape, and still life paintings.
  • Understand the basics of color theory and how to mix and create colors.
  • Learn painting techniques and understanding which brushes to use.
  • Determine when to walk away from your painting and let it rest.

Quarters Offered: Spring | In-class
Course Fee: $325
Prerequisites: Introduction to Painting (ART-40180) or equivalent experience.
Materials/Software/Hardware: Materials list distributed at first class meeting.
Note: Elective course for Art and the Creative Process professional certificate.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email the academic department at

Course Number: ART-40242
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Art and the Creative Process

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