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Home /  Courses And Programs / Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth: Mindfulness in Clinical Practice, Education and Research

"This year’s program will include presentations on recent research on mindfulness with youth, talks by people implementing a fascinating variety of innovative mindfulness-based programs with kids across the age spectrum, and optional workshops focused on learning specific programs and skills related to bringing mindfulness to youth in a variety of ways and settings. Additional keynote speakers will augment the conference with unique and inspiring viewpoints designed to further the field and contribute to its growth. On Saturday, the program will include a 3-hour workshop on Mindful Parenting by Jon and his wife Myla, who are co-authors of the book on the same topic entitled Everyday Blessings. The core focus of the Bridging conference is to connect people across disciplines, creating connections between the classroom, the laboratory, the therapy room and the living room, to support and foster the growth, study and dissemination of mindfulness for the good of the next generation. This conference is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the people doing the work of teaching mindfulness to our youngsters, to develop skills and competencies to do this work in your particular setting, and to learn what science has to say about this important work. All of this activity unfolds within a larger intention to build community and support those who are cultivating compassion, equanimity and inner wisdom in youth of all ages."

Course Number: EDUC-41496
Credit: 2.50 unit(s)