FPGA Design Fundamentals
Acquire FPGA skills needed in various industries
including aerospace, medical, communications, industrial control, and defense. Totally updated for 2023, this course explores Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures, the Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL), and how GNU/Linux based SoC (System on a Chip) and FPGAs work together in today's most advanced systems. Focus on real-life hands-on skills, the course focuses on the AMD/Xilinx family of FPGAs and SoCs. You'll learn how to use the Verilog HDL to program AMD/Xilinx FPGAs using the Vivado Design Suite. The course uses the popular Red Pitaya FPGA/SoC development board for specific case studies, including using an FPGA to blink LEDs in a given pattern, using an FPGA as a high-resolution stopwatch, and using an FPGA as a high-resolution frequency counter.
Course Highlights:
- Introduction to FPGAs
- FPGA Architecture
- FPGA Design Process
- AMD/Xilinx FPGAs
- Verilog Hardware Description Language
- Vivado Design Suite
- Red Pitaya FPGA/SoC Development Board
- GNU/Linux C and FPGA communication
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Obtain an understanding of FPGA architectures and a design flow
- Modify Verilog HDL code
- Perform FPGA synthesis and place and route using Vivado Design Suite
- Understand different AMD/Xilinx FPGAs
- Download an FPGA image to Red Pitaya FPGA/SoC hardware
- Understand now GNU/Linux C code and FPGA hardware communicate
- Create a FPGA project with minimal assistance
Hardware: STEMlab 125-10 Starter Kit. While this kit is being phased out by the manufacturer, it can be purchased from Mouser Electronics, Digi-Key, or redpitaya. Students can also purchase the new version STEMlab 125-14 Starter Kit directly from redpitaya.
Course Typically Offered: Online in Winter and Summer quarters.
Optional Reading: FPGAs Instant Access - 1st. ed. by Clive Maxfield - Pub: Newnes
ISBN-13: 978-0750689748. May be purchased at technical book stores and on-line distributors, such as Amazon.
Prerequisite: The course is intended for students with educational or working knowledge of basic digital design techniques. Some understanding of VHDL or Verilog is beneficial, but not necessary.
Next Step: After completing this course, consider taking other courses in the Embedded Systems Engineering certificate program.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email unexengr@ucsd.edu.
Course Information
Course sessions
Section ID:
Class type:
This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.
No textbook required.
- No refunds after: 1/13/2025
Norman McEntire, M.S., MCSE
Founder, Servin Corporation
Norman McEntire founded Servin Corporation in 1995 to provide computer training, consulting, and software development with a focus on Android, iOS, Java, Embedded C, Linux, and Machine Learning. With 25+ years of experience, he has designed both hardware and software at all levels, from embedded Linux to enterprise software. His training clients include Dell, HP, IBM, Intel, NCR and Qualcomm.