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Applied JavaScript

This course continues the study of modern JavaScript applying modern constructs such as native modules and object patterns to help bring the structure required for single page web applications and progressive web apps.

Course topics will include emerging core aspects of ES6 and beyond, advanced DOM and event use, client-side graphics using Canvas or SVG, state management and local storage, and more.  Modern libraries such as VueJS or React will be used to show the production of a client-side application with emphasis being placed upon producing such an application using modern JavaScript software engineering practices.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Create web applications with JavaScript Frameworks
  • Integrate data from a public API into a webpage
  • Implement asynchronous data exchanges with Ajax methods
  • Implement advanced frontend storage techniques
  • Write comments in the code that clearly annotates a script or a section in the code

Course Typically Offered: Online in Winter and Summer Quarters. Please see the Front End Development Certificate matrix for more details.

Prerequisite: Intro to JavaScript or basic knowledge of JavaScript.

Course Number: CSE-40591
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Front End Development

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