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Methods in electrical energy storage

have continued to evolve to adapt to changing energy requirements and advances in technology. Designed for students who are interested in electrical energy storage, in conjunction with renewable energy such as solar photovoltaic (PV), wind and biomass. Learn the fundamentals of electrical energy storage technology, evaluation methods and how to prepare for future industry trends. Explore techniques in cost analysis, which is particularly important to the adoption of new storage technology and its growth in the next 10~30 years.

Course Highlights:

  • Electricity Storage Technologies Cost, Performance, and Maturity
  • Energy Storage System Demonstration and Applications
  • Distributed Energy Storage System (DESS)
  • Method and Tools for Evaluating Electricity Storage
  • Storage System Procurement and Installation

Course Benefits:

  • Describe the different types of energy storage and their benefits
  • Explain the role of energy storage in modernizing national grid to meet projected demand
  • Compare and contrast current energy storage technologies
  • Calculate the value of energy storage
  • Explain the processes for commercial. industrial, and residential distributed energy storage systems installation and integration
  • Describe the main challenges and potential solutions to the widespread deployment of energy storage
  • Compare the different business models to procuring and installing storage systems

Course Typically Offered: Online in Winter and Summer quarters.

Prerequisite: A BS in Electrical Engineering and the course EE-40174 Fundamentals of Electric Power or equivalent knowledge and experience. 

Next Step: After completing this course, consider taking other courses in the Power Systems Engineering certificate program.

Contact: For more information about this course, please email

Course Number: EE-40171
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Power Systems Engineering

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